What Size Cable for EV Charger to Use?

EV charging cables 2.5mm 6mm 16mm

Table of Contents

What Size Cable for EV Charger to Use?

With the popularization of EV (Electrical Vehicles), the construction of related facilities is also increased in recent years, such as EV charging piles, EV chargers, EV charging stations. Many purchasers and buyers have been asking questions about the type and size of cable for EV chargers. For example:

  • What size cable for EV charger to use?
  • How many cores of EV charging cable should I buy?

In this article, I will address these common questions and provide a visual guide to help you choose the right cable.

Key Factors to Consider

The main points to consider when choosing the suitable cable for EV charging gun are as follows:

  • Region
  • Current Type
  • Maximum Power
  • Maximum Amps

Visual Table of Cable Specifications

AC Current

Region Phase Power (KW) Current (A) Cable Specification
Europe 1Phase 4.6 20 3×2.5 + signal core
1Phase 13.8 20 5×2.5 + signal core
1Phase 7.4 32 3×6 + signal core
1Phase 22 32 5×6 + signal core
1Phase 14.5 63 3×16 + signal core
1Phase 43.5 63 5×16 + signal core
America 1Phase 3 10 3×16 AWG + signal core
1Phase 4.5 15 3×14 AWG + signal core
Japan 1Phase 12 20 3×2.5 + signal core
1Phase 18 30 3×5.3 + signal core
1Phase 21 35 3×6 + signal core
China 1Phase 4.6 20 3×2.5 + signal core
1Phase 7.4 32 3×6 + signal core
3Phase 13.8 20 5×2.5 + signal core
3Phase 22 32 5×6 + signal core

DC Current

Region Power (KW) Current (A) Cable Specification
Europe 150 150 2×50 + 1×25 + signal core
America 80 150 2×1 AWG + 1×3 AWG + signal core
China 50 63 3×16 + signal core
150 150 2×50 + 1×25 + signal core

Signal Core Size

Signal Core Specification

What Size Cable for EV Charger to Use?

To answer the title question directly:

  • A 20A current corresponds to a 2.5mm cable.
  • A 32A current corresponds to a 6mm cable.
  • A 63A current corresponds to a 16mm cable.

Additional Notes

The table above covers only the more common ev charging types. If your requirements differ or you need a customized charging station, I highly recommend consulting a professional electrical engineer.

For those interested in learning about the sheath materials for EV charging cables, you can refer to my other article on this topic.

If you need to purchase EV charging cables or have further questions, feel free to visit our E-Mobility page or contact us. We’re always happy to provide tailored solutions for your needs.

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